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I'm not on stage. Why do I need insurance?

As a sound and lighting tech, your work is pivotal to the success of any production. Whether it’s a big festival or a small theatre performance, with tailored entertainment insurance, make sure the show goes on.

Lights, sound, action...What would an event or production be without its backstage crew? For any event or production, sound and lighting is a huge responsibility and as it requires a lot of equipment and contact with the general public, it carries risks. If your gear fails, you may need to repair or replace it, or if someone tripped over a wire and blamed you for their injury, they may claim for compensation against you.

To protect you if something should go awry, it is important to have a bespoke insurance solution that fits your needs. Here, we explain what you need to know about sound and lighting insurance and provide tips on how to determine what’s right for you.

Equipment coverage

Equipment insurance can save you the costs of repair or replacement in the event your equipment is damaged. It also can cover your equipment almost anywhere in the world for accidental damage and theft (cover for USA/Canada can be added for an additional premium).

Equipment insurance policies can cover both owned and hired equipment from damage and theft whilst they are either in use, transit or storage.

Need more than $30,000 cover? We can still arrange cover for you, just call us on 1300 655 931.

Public liability

Most venues won’t let you use the venue unless you have public liability insurance. Public Liability insurance is designed to cover you against claims for personal injury and/or damage to venues and locations as a result of your conduct.

No matter how seemingly remote these circumstances may appear, whether it be from a cord lying on the floor tripping a patron or causing damage to a venue’s property whilst packing down, claims can occur.

Professional liability

Professional liability covers you against claims made in connection with professional services you’ve conducted for a third party.

Learn more about the type of coverage included in professional liability insurance on our website.

How to get the best policy for you

When it comes to choosing a policy, consider an insurance package which covers all of your sound and lighting needs. Flexibility could also be a valuable consideration when it comes to your insurance. You could suddenly be required to rig sound and lighting in an unfamiliar setting or in varying weather conditions. A broker could arrange add-ons to your policy which could apply in such scenarios.

Look for competitive policies offered for the cover, but don’t be swayed by low prices - if things go wrong, and they often do, legal costs alone could be huge.

With over 75 years of experience, we understand that your work is unique and requires specialist insurance. At Marsh, we can arrange cover for multi-million dollar global tours, one off concerts, festivals, sporting events, theatre productions and films. Plus, we can offer a low standard excess on claims.

Our team is ready to provide you with the right advice and broad tailored insurance cover. To purchase insurance or speak to a member of our team about a personalised quote, click here.

Need help?

If you have any questions about the content covered in this article or the risks and insurance coverage requirements for your business, reach out to your Marsh risk advisor today.

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