1. If you are dissatisfied with our service in any way, please contact us and we will attempt to resolve the matter in accordance with our Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution Policy, a link to which is provided at the bottom of this webpage. In the first instance you should address any concern or complaint to the Marsh representative servicing your account. Alternatively, you may contact the Marsh Complaints Officer on (03) 9603 2338 or email complaints.australia@marsh.com.
2. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, the matter will be referred to the Marsh Complaints Officer to investigate and take appropriate action. You will be advised within 30 days of our decision. If the matter is complex and a longer period is required you will be informed.
3. If you are not satisfied with our final decision, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA’s role is to assist consumers and small business resolve disputes with their broker or their insurance company. Third party motor vehicle claimants who are uninsured can also access AFCA.
If you have any query about whether your complaint can be handled within AFCA’s rules or you wish to contact them, their contact details are: Phone: 1800 931 678; Email: info@afca.org.au; Online: www.afca.org.au; and Mail: GPO Box 3, Melbourne, Victoria 3001
If you have a complaint about a policy that we arranged under a Lloyd’s Coverholder binder authority that can’t be resolved to your satisfaction by us within 10 business days we will elevate the matter to Lloyd’s Australia Limited.
The full Marsh Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution Policy can be accessed via the link below.
Lloyd’s Australia Limited,
Suite 1603/1 Macquarie Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Email address: idraustralia@lloyds.com
Telephone number: (02) 8298 0783
Facsimile number: (02) 8298 0788
Your dispute will be referred to the Policyholder and Market Assistance at Lloyd’s. Complaints that cannot be resolved by them may be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service UK. Further details will be provided at the appropriate stage of the complaints process.
Marsh Advantage Insurance Pty Ltd (ABN 31 081 358 303, AFSL 238369) (“Marsh”) arranges the general insurance (i.e. not the Discretionary Trust Arrangement) and is not the insurer. This page contains general information and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. For full details of the terms, conditions and limitations of the covers, refer to the specific policy wordings and/or Product Disclosure Statements available from Marsh on request. Marsh makes no representation or warranty concerning the application of policy wordings or the financial condition or solvency of insurers or re-insurers. Marsh makes no assurances regarding the availability, cost, or terms of insurance coverage. Any statements concerning actuarial, tax, accounting, or legal matters are based solely on our experience as insurance brokers and risk consultants and are not to be relied upon as actuarial, accounting, tax, or legal advice, for which you should consult your own professional advisors. The Discretionary Trust Arrangement is issued by the Trustee, JLT Group Services Pty Ltd (ABN 26 004 485 214, AFSL 417964) (“JGS”). Any advice or dealing in relation to the Discretionary Trust Arrangement is provided by JLT Risk Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 69 009 098 864, AFSL 226 827) (“JLT”). JGS and JLT are businesses of Marsh McLennan. The cover provided by the Discretionary Trust Arrangement is subject to the Trustee’s discretion and/or the relevant policy terms, conditions and exclusions.
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