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Car and motorcycle club insurance

Let our team of specialists steer you in the right direction – towards innovative insurance and risk solutions that match your budget.

Types of cover available

Public liability insurance

Can provide cover for your legal liability to help pay compensation if your club’s activities cause personal injury or property damage.

Associations liability insurance

Can provide cover for those who hold positions on a Management Committee of your insured car club (against negligent acts, errors or omissions). Claims may include defamation, discrimination, breach of contract and unfair or wrongful dismissal.

Personal accident insurance

Can provide cover for volunteers participating in activities or work on behalf of your insured car club. It can help provide a loss of income benefit and specified benefits (in relation to accidental death or accidental permanent/temporary disability).

What’s covered?

We offer a range of policies to help protect you and your club.
selected option

Who’s covered?

Insured members for personal injury or property damage to a third party caused by your club’s activities.

Activities covered

  • General meetings and swap meetings (200 Stalls max)
  •  Dinners and dances
  • Static displays
  • Picnics and barbecues
  • Touring runs

General & Products liability limit

  • $10,000,000 cover limit
  • $500 excess

Who’s covered?

Those who hold positions on management committees of insured car clubs. (optional cover)

Indemnity For negligent acts, errors or omissions

Unfair and wrongful dismissals

  • Club members
  • Committee members

Breach of contract

Who’s covered?

Volunteers participating in activities or work on behalf of the insured car club.

(optional cover)

Loss of income

Accidental death

Accidental temporary/permanent disability

Get a quote

  1. Download and fill out a proposal form
  2. Email the completed form directly to the Marsh team.
  3. Send any further queries and questions to us.

Make a claim


Claim form

Download and fill out a Liability Claim form or Accident/Illness claim form.


Email us

Email the completed form directly to the Marsh team.


Direct all further queries

Send any further queries and questions to the Marsh team.

Frequently asked questions

Public liability insurance is designed to help protect clubs if a third party claims that the club’s activities caused them serious injury or property damage. It can protect you against the financial risk of being found liable to a third party for death or injury, loss of a damage to property or ‘pure economic loss’ resulting from your negligence.

To make a claim, simply download the relevant form for your policy, fill it out electronically, and email it to us. One of our friendly team members will take it from there.

The maximum number of stalls is 200. This can be increased by contacting us using the form below or calling 1300 130 373.

No, public liability protects the club and club members’ stalls only.

Swap meets with more than 500 people are considered large events.

If you are holding a static swap meet with more than 500 people, you need to contact us using the form below or call 1300 130 373 and provide site map/event management plan, any live music, estimated number people, and confirm whether alcohol will be sold. Once this information is received, Marsh will negotiate with the insurer on your behalf. Note, no cover is applicable unless confirmed in writing by Marsh.

When you give your time and energy to a club, you want to make certain you’re not risking your personal or the organisation’s financial security. Therefore, a management liability insurance policy can help provide protection for you and the organisation in the event of legal action if sued for:

  • Negligence, libel, slander, defamation, discrimination, etc
  • Employment related matters (unfair dismissal)
  • Club management liability can also cover some of the costs associated with an employee stealing funds from the club.

A management liability policy typically has important exclusions that you should be aware of including but not limited to:

  • Fraud – any claim in consequence of a deliberate fraudulent act
  • Insolvency – financial impairment of the insured organisation
  • Known dishonesty
  • Losses sustained from accounts at banks where only one signatory is required for transactions.

Don’t forget!

Management liability insurance is ONLY available to incorporated entities. If your club is not incorporated, individual committee members may run the risk of exposing their personal home, car and financial assets.

Although not compulsory, it is highly recommended for car clubs to consider insurance coverage as you may not be able to find a space to run your event without it. The insurance you may need for your car club will all depend on your club’s requirements, and nature and activities of your club.

Still have questions?

Please contact us for general enquiries. One of our friendly team members will be in touch.

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